
Posts Tagged ‘stax’

The above photo is from Sebastian’s performance of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” at his preschool’s latest fundraiser, “Artquake”  which happened just a short time ago.  Sebs is about to celebrate his 5th birthday…and I have so many mixed emotions about this one.  It all started a few days ago when he LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH.  Yep.  That’s right ya’ll, my baby isn’t teething anymore…he’s begun to LOSE those pearly whites.  And woa!  They are so weirdly teenie…it was quite the task for the tooth fairy to find it under the pillow!  (or so I’ve been told)  He starts Kindergarten in only a few months…and it’s just hit me…he is growing up!  And it’s really hard for me to be O.K. with how fast time seems to be flying by.  We’ve been so busy lately, I barely know what happened between waking up and falling asleep and waking up again…let alone feeling like having the time to make some kind of mental scrapbook of it all.  Alas!

So, what does the farmgirl do when she’s feeling low?  That’s an EASY one.  I close all of the curtains.  I turn up Sam and Dave, Otis redding, Rufus Thomas, Booker T. and the M.G.’s (when I bought my first bass guitar, I asked my stepdad what I should listen to to learn how to play, and in his infinite wisdom he told me to lock myself in my room and listen to “Green Onions” until I figured it out.  If only my teenage self would have listened to that sage advice and not put on Nirvana’s “Smells like teen Spirit” instead!!!  To live is to learn, and now I try my dangest to listen to Donald “Duck” Dunn’s fabulous grooves…Booker T’s immensely understated and underrated keys…Alan Jackson’s immaculate drum beats…and Steve Cropper laying it down on the guitar….) and various other Stax record’s alumni, and dance my chubby arse off until I can’t move anymore.

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