
Posts Tagged ‘food fight’

Sometimes…I am confronted with the total radness which is Portland, OR. Like this morning for instance, when, on my way to my exit interview for Oregon Tradeswomen, I stopped by Sweetpea Bakery (cruelty-free cupcakes!) and then just a hop-skip-and-a-jump next door into Food Fight! Vegan Grocery. Where I was able to score some uber yummy, extra chocolate-y cookies, my favorite faux jerkey, AND get some advice/news (like how much more yummy vegan stuff there is to eat now vs. just a few years ago! including the yummy peanut butter cup he gifted me) from Chad. I learned that I just missed “Try Vegan Week PDX” (darn!) where there are vegans in town who volunteer to mentor people who are thinking about becoming vegan. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

I’ve also been loving the Yellow Rose Recipes blog by a Rose City local, Joanna Vaught. Her website is awesome, and I can’t wait to get her new book! I think I might have to go pick up a copy asap…at Food Fight! and Sweetpea’s neighbor in the VEGAN MALL (i still like to think of it as a mecca) Herbivore.

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